Welcome to my new domain, paulquirk.ca. I decided to change to this domain name for a number of reasons. My old domain name, pquirk.com, got its top level domain name from the word commercial, which I felt was misleading as there is often nothing commercial about the content I normally create and post here. As a Canadian citizen, the top level .ca domain name is more representative of me and my perspective as a person living in the western democracy of Canada. Also, the price of a .ca domain is less expensive than a .com domain now, which aligns better with my philosophy that a truly democratized Internet should be made affordable to everyone, and accessibility is only half of that equation; having one’s own “Place” on the Internet where one can be free to express one’s creativity, skill, and to share their perspective free from the influence of ad revenue driven corporations is the other half. As a Canadian, I actually may have some say with regards to the .ca domain.

Along with this, I also decided my other works should exist at a third level domain under paulquirk.ca. This means that my photography, previously registered under agelessimages.ca, will now exist at agelessimages.paulquirk.ca. This consolidation still provides me with the ability to experiment with different types and styles of web sites without the added expense and complexity of managing multiple domain names, and also allows me unlimited variations. For example, ageless.paulquirk.ca also works. Logically, my e-mail address will also change to my first name at this domain dot ca.

Everything is still running on a Raspberry Pi Zero connected to my home Internet connection. If my page goes down, just check back in a day or three.