“Freedom has been defined as the opportunity for self-discipline.”

-Dwight D. Eisenhower


My friend Paul and I decided to ride our bicycles into work again, and on this ride, I thought about all the people I wanted to give thanks to. I’m thankful to my wife and son for getting up early with me and sharing a breakfast meal with me before I went to work. I’m thankful to the workers who made the clothes and shoes I put on today. I’m thankful to all the people involved in the building of my home as well as the furniture and appliances within.
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As I rode my bike into work this morning, I thought about how grateful I was to be able to live close enough to work to ride my bike there and back. Then I thought about how grateful I was to be bathed in the golden rays of the morning sun with the cool morning air moving over my body. Then I saw a falcon on the trail carry off her prey in her talons, then shortly after that I caught a glimpse of a fleeting white tailed deer run off into the forest, and I thought about how grateful I was to be there to witness these things.
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July 17 2024 in pictures

July 17 2024 in pictures
This morning, as I walked into work, I noticed some pink appearing around the outside of a grouping of Queen Anne’s Lace that is normally white. Later that day, I saw a threesome of mud wasps. When I got home, I noticed the cherry tomatoes in my garden had ripened, so I picked them. Then I went for a walk with Sally. It was hot, so she decided to cool off in the splash pad.
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Arrowhead Provincial Park 2024

Arrowhead Provincial Park 2024
For the Canada Day long weekend and week, we decided to enjoy a week long adventure at Arrohead Provincial Park. It rained on Saturday, but we didn’t mind; we are waterproof. Our son joined us for the weekend. The best place for cell phone reception was down by the lake. It rained on Sunday as well for part of the day. Later on after the rain stopped, we went up to see Big Bend Lookout.
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